Begin from interest and working experience in any technology related area C.V. HIT Solution founded in 2012. As start up company, limited resources never seen as a resistance to join into already fierce competition.
Contributing in Indonesia IT development as trusted supplier and developer.
Provide customer with high quality hardware, brilliant software and excellent service at very affordable price.
Supply consumer branded & DIY PC and servers, spare parts, accessories, networking and tools at very competitive and affordable price.
From proprietary and open source Operating System, office automation application, multimedia editing, CAD/CAM engineering until highly tailored application such Enterprise Resource Planning, Point of Sales, Human Resource Management System, World Wide Web application, eStore, Payroll and Billing that very unique for every business. We’re ready.
In this age, every business must be needs IT. But has IT Department is not a must. For efficiency or expertise reason, we may simplify your business so you can focus on your own competition.
hit-solution.com - Batam (Office & Store)
Address for return product
Please return the product to be addressed directly to our warehouse / store in Batam
A/n Heri Purwanto
Mutiara View Blok A1 No 31, Batam 29425